Thursday, May 14, 2009

Countdown to the End of School

Time is flying by here in our home. School is wrapping up for the year. My older girls that are in public school had their awards ceremony last night. Tuesday is a dinner for the step-daughter that is beginning Middle School in the fall. Here, on the homeschool front, I watch as Laura finishes her books one by one. She finished her last Science book yesterday. Today she is finishing up the last 3 pages in her Math. There isn't much left in her last reading book, Emily's Runaway Imagination. It's kind of bittersweet. She technically has 7 days we need to finish for her 180 days to be completed. All I can say is...Wow!
I am slowly acquiring books for next year. I got the book 'Pedro's Journal' today at a resale shop for $1.50. That made me happy to find a book that cheap and not have to pay any shipping. I'm getting excited about next year and the Heart of Dakota curriculum. The books look so wonderful.
I am planning on starting Megan on Little Hands to Heaven in the fall. She is two, and loves to do little activities. She wants to be like sissy, so I think she will enjoy beginning the program. It's such a light program that I don't think it will be something she isn't ready for.
Summer plans are gearing up. The library finally has their summer reading program scheduled. The Accerlerated Reader sign-up has begun.
Plus, I'm waiting impatiently for VBS dates. I've even considered putting Laura in a couple different VBSs just so she can keep busy and be around other kids in a good invironment. There is a church not far from me that has a number of homeschooled children. This year we really didn't get to join a Co-op or anything. I'd really like to connect with other homeschooling moms, and have Laura meet some of their children. In the small town we live in there doesn't appear to be many homeschooled kids, and having that in common really helps. She has a homeschooled friend at church, but she basically only sees her on Wednesdays and Sundays.
With the end of the school year approaching rapidly, I will be on the lookout for fun activities and things to do outside. I've already told Laura that I want her working some math pages here and there just so her skill level stays high over the summer. I won't push it though. She worked hard this year. She learned multiplication and basic division. She is at level with her school mates and maybe even ahead in a couple areas. For the first year, that is great. I was nervous about how well I'd do teaching math. And, to be honest, It's not my strongest subject to teach. However, Laura did well. I sometimes had to lean on one of my teenage daughters to help explain a point, but we got throough.

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Depriving our Students of the Classics

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