Saturday, November 29, 2008

Scaled-down Christmas

It's a tough time financially for so many people. We feel it too. It probably wasn't the best time to begin homeschooling, but when God tell you to do something, it's best to be obedient and trust him.
Many people are struggling right now. We are one of those families that have been hit hard by the economy. Christmas has been a worry for me. With five children, we never have extravagant Christmases, and that is fine. But I usually have a budget per kid. Not this year. That budget is pretty low.
I've been praying about this for I know that Christmas is truly about Jesus. I want to find a way to honor him and give my kids a nice Christmas. I woke up this year to how fast life goes and how quickly someone special in it can disappear with the unexpected death of my father-in-law. I know each Christmas is special because of the people we are around and the memories we make, not the things we receive.
This year our Christmas is going to be about togetherness as much as possible. That in itself is a challenge with my oldest starting a job and my step-daughter splitting time between two homes. Yet, how fun is it to make cookies together or to decorate the tree together. These are the things we remember.
If I asked my kids what they got for Christmas last year, I bet they would only remember one or two things. If they had to remember any years past that, they would only remember gifts that had meant a lot. Mostly they remember the family traditions and the feelings associated with the Holiday season.
I will always give credit to the show "Seventh Heaven". On the show they didn't exchange gifts for Christmas. Instead they helped out other people and gave their time and service. Think if everyone did this a little more how the world would change. I'm not saying presents are bad, cause I love to give and receive gifts. I just don't want to be stressed out or feel guilty if I can't afford to buy a bunch of stuff for my kids on a holiday that is about Christ, not self.
I think it is a homeschool issue on gargantuan proportions. Not everyone homeschools, but we all teach our children about life in our homes whether intentional or not. What are we teaching our children about honoring and celebrating the Birth of Christ? Are we teaching our children that our love is based on how much they receive for Christmas? Are we buying special items the kids will cherish, or loading the tree for the momentary excitement in the amount they get?
We may be having a rough year financially, but I refuse to let money deter me from honoring Christ on his birthday. I think my attitude about Christmas will determine the atmosphere in our home this holiday.

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