Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Finishing up lots of reading

This picture is a little blurry I realize. I was just amazed that, after such a rough start this morning, we got so much accomplished the rest of the day. We finished SIX books. Some of these books we have been reading for awhile. Little House in the Big Woods we have been reading slowly since we began homeschooling in October.
With the finishing of these books comes new plans. Laura will begin Little House on the Prarie, which she was reading on her own in secret. She likes me reading to her. We bought the book a week or so ago, and she just couldn't wait to start it. She let it slip one day when we were reading Little House in the Big Woods that they leave the big woods to move. I asked her how she knew that and she giggled and admitted that she'd been reading the new book.
Laura also finished The Swiss Family Robinson. I told her that I would look for the movie at the library or the video store. That will move her on to the next A Beka reader, which is Crossroads. She also will be starting Pilgrim Boy for History.
We are finished with Columbus and the explorers of America. Laura finished the Columbus book by D'Aulaire and The Discovery of the Americas by Maestro. She also uses an old Bob Jones third grade History book and we finished reading about the explorers it today. On to the Pilgrims for Thanksgiving. I decided to use A Beka's Pilgrim Boy for this study as well as the Bob Jones History Book and whatever other living books I find at the Library. I'll probably go look later this evening.
Laura also read two books on the seasons for Science. I got them to supplement her ACE paces. I guess the books were not very challenging either because she read them pretty quickly. That's alright because she is learning. When I ask her questions about what she has read in the books she answers easily.
It was a productive day despite the rough beginning this morning with Laura. We are having a homeschooled boy come over for lunch every day. He has a private teacher, and she is using the boy's lunch time to work with a different student. I know this boy and his family from our church, so I agreed to help. The boy is an eighth grader, but he is good company for Laura. They watch TV or chase each other through the house. Laura seems to be not quite so lonely during the day when he is here. She goes right back to work when he leaves. He's only here for an hour, and that is the hour we usually take off for lunch and break anyway.

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