Thursday, June 14, 2012


We are in the midst of a youth conference at our church.  The speaker is an old friend we haven't seen in awhile.  He was an associate pastor at our church about five years ago. 
His message last night was on how easily distracted many of us Christians have allowed ourselves to become.  He compared our Christian walk to a machine.  Sometimes it needs to be worked on, RECALIBRATED, so that it is performing at optimum level.
The message touched many.  It is easy to get distracted from what God has us doing.  We are easily influenced by all the distractions around us.  The TV, video games, smart phones, ipads and ipods, facebook... All leave us distracted from time with God.  While these things aren't always necessarily bad, they can leave us empty for too long. 
Time with God in His Word and prayer time is vital, and yet it is so ready to put off for things that hold no eternal value.  Sometimes it takes someone bold to remind us that or priorities, as Christians, cannot be the same as that of the world.
As I pray about many things, I am excited that God had an amazing plan for us.  The sermon last night reaffirmed in my mind that, although I work with children at church, my main mission field is my home at this time. 

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