Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Here We Go Again

It's that time of year again.  It's time for VBS. Only Megan is officially going to VBS this year, though Laura is a helper. Yesterday was the first day.
Megan was SO excited! I think she got a great teacher this year too.  She came home full of stories about the games, the Bible stories, and the snacks.  I laugh because, at five, snack time is VERY important.
I love that churches reach out to their communities with VBS programs.  I know there is a lot of debate on the effectiveness of these programs.  I have a different opinion though.  While unchurched kids get a week of learning about Jesus, and it isn't enough a lot of the time, most churches stop their kid and youth programs in the summer. Attendance drops severely due to sports, vacations, and other summer activities.  VBS, for kids from Christian families, is a great way to learn about Jesus in a fun, interactive atmosphere.  A lot of great memories are formed while these children learn songs, hear Bible stories, make crafts, and play games. 
My daughters, each and every one, have lots of precious memories from their years of attending VBS.  We are looking forward to seeing what memories and lessons will be formed this year.

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