Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Enjoying Each Season of Life

I love to watch my Meggy growing and playing and exploring her world.  She is quite dramatic.  She is definitely a hands-on kid when it comes to learning.  I've been kicking her out of the house during the day.  It's nice outside, and I want her playing instead of watching cartoons on Netflix or telling me how BORED she is. 

I've been trying to make sure that my girls have an exciting and fun summer.  They are going to be participating in community theater.  I've signed the youngest up for library time once a week.  In July we have Ice Cream Fridays at the library for reading.  Soon we will have free summer movies at the theater about 20 minutes away.  At the end of June is VBS. I'm determined that they should have lots of time to relax and be kids, but too much time tends to lead them to boredom and the desire to veg in front of a television or computer.

I remember my summers when I was a kid.  Most were spent at Grandma's farm.  We made the coolest forts.  We ran and played.  We swam.  We rode bikes. We had picnics.  We lived adventures and had a blast.  We helped Grandma in the garden (usually be eating everything we could).  Summers were a time of freedom from school, which I can honestly say I hated.

I am praying that this summer is a wonderful one for my children.  In the fall our lives will alter.  My oldest will move out to go off to college with her fiance.  My nest oldest has already moved out. That leaves me three at home, and that is an adjustment.

I have spent years taking care of five kids.  I shopped for five kids.  I cooked for five kids.  I ran for five kids.  Having three at home does seem different.  It's a little quieter, even with Megan around.  It seems that a part of my job description for my older two has altered.  It's been a tough year for me, letting them go and letting them learn their own lessons.  I've prayed fervently for them, and always will.  I miss them.  Even with my oldest still living at home, I miss her.  She is busy and has a full life that she is figuring out on her own.  I don't want to hold them back, but oh how I miss the days when they were young and a bit dependent on mommy.  Now, I am grateful for family dinners and time together.

 All of this adjusting takes time for me.  I do not know how to shop for groceries anymore.  I always seem to buy too much or too little.  The same goes with cooking.  I am used to cooking for an army.  Cooking for five shouldn't be much different, but it is somehow.  Portions are made for groups of 4, for families of 4.  So, I always just doubled everything.  Now, doubling is too much, but not doubling is not enough.  Anyone else understand what I am trying to express?

Anyway, life goes on.  I have spent a long time with God over the last year, depending on Him for strength and guidance.  I placed my children in His capable hands.  I asked Him to heal my hurts and give me the grace to let go of my older two, to let them move on with their lives, even while I keep them covered in prayer.  As for the younger girls, I plan to enjoy every moment God has blessed me with them.  I love teaching them.  I enjoy watching them grow.  I take tons of pictures to document the journey.


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