Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

Megan and her cousin playing
We spent our Memorial Day this year with my husband's family.  We wanted a day where we could all just relax and enjoy time together.  My husband and his oldest brother both work at the same company, but on opposite shifts and days.  Which basically means that they see each other on holidays when the company shuts down.
Jasmine making up water balloons with her aunt
The kids had fun playing outside in the kiddie pool and with water balloons.  It was quite warm outside.  Instead of grilling, we bought fried chicken and added a bunch of sides.
My husband and Laura
We basically stayed outside the entire afternoon and evening.  It was fun just to visit and watch the kids.  My husband and some of the kids went to visit his dad's grave.  His dad passed away a few years ago, and he is very much missed.
The evening was topped off with homemade snow cones.
Laura and her grandma
The kids looked pretty straggly by the end of the evening after playing all day.
We finished the night with a bonfire.  It was a nice way to begin our summer and pay tribute to those that we've lost, both in the service and out.

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