Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Homeschooling while Sick

I detest being sick!  After being sick multiple times last fall, I was determined to build my immune system so I wasn't catching every "bug" that went around.  I succeeded... for a bit.  I woke up the other day with a sore throat.  I took some extra vitamin C and went about life.  By yesterday my little sore throat had turned into a full blown head cold.  Now, I am suffering.

School didn't happen at all yesterday for Laura, though I did get Megan stuff done with her.  Laura woke up yesterday sick.  I felt really bad because she spent all day on the couch or in her bed sleeping... and it was her birthday.   By today she had recovered, but I was much worse.  We managed to do our school work, though I must admit that read aloud time is much more difficult when you can't breathe well.

I am hoping and praying that a good night's sleep, God's healing touch, and some medicine will bring me back to functioning capacity.  Homeschooling is much more challenging when ill.  I had my teenage daughter work with Megan today on preschool.  It was nice to have the help.

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