Saturday, November 25, 2017

Dual Blogs

Since May of this year I have been posting over at Unconventional Catherine.  I wanted a new beginning, as life has changed so much over the last few years.  I wanted to blog about other issues than homeschooling and my children.  I wanted to blog about matters of faith and culture.  So, I began posting there and enjoyed the new format.

However, I still love homeschooling.  I still love documenting our journey.  I was posting more and more about homeschooling on Unconventional Catherine.  Then I began to look back over this humble little homeschool blog.  I was researching what I had done with one daughter for a blog post about the upcoming year.  I went though all the blog posts from that school year, and I relived the events of that year.  I saw how I struggled with one of my daughter's leaving.  I saw the fun activities we had done and how I got through that year.  I was reminded how much I love homeschooling and how it sustained me during the tough times.

 My Mission Field is still my home, even though many of my children have grown and I am taking college classes.  I still want to write about the education I am giving the children still left at home.  I still believe homeschooling is important and God led me in this direction.  In fact, taking college classes has been my dream for years, but I have not felt like myself because I haven't been able to dedicate myself to homeschooling.  That may be because a call from God on my life doesn't just disappear.

Circumstances in life have made it so that I must lower my class load to part-time for a bit.  I was a bit sad about this for a few days, but now I feel relief.  In fact, I keep telling myself to get through the next three weeks in my college semester. My stress level has been high, and I realize that I miss blogging about homeschooling.  I miss homeschooling in the manner in which I have done for the last decade.  I miss reading to my child and going through the work to see how my high school student is doing in her studies.  I have felt that my time was no longer my own.  I wanted to go to college, to follow my dreams, but everything got complicated over this last semester.

I gave myself a new challenge when I began blogging about faith and culture.  I love writing.  I love taking a topic and breaking it down and exploring it from a position that is not necessarily the standard one.  That is why I called the blog Unconventional Catherine, because I am not very "conventional" by today's cultural standards.  I take my faith seriously at a time when Christianity is mocked and ridiculed.  I homeschool, and while homeschooling is a growing movement, it is still only a small percent of the population.  I'm a bookworm, when television and movies are the norm.  I'm more introverted when extroversion is what gets noticed.  I went back to college when most women are settled.

However, I miss my blog home here.  I miss being home.  I have had this blog since October 9, 2008.  I started blogging when I started homeschooling.  And while I have gone down some crazy paths, I have always stuck to blogging.  This blog contains a history of our family.  It contains times of difficulty that I thought would never end, such as when we faced unemployment, the ups and downs of our children's health issues, and gaining custody of my step-daughter and homeschooling her.  It contains the story of leaving our home because it was full of mold, and moving to a small apartment.  It contains our journey to simplicity and minimalism... a journey that continues to this day.

So, I have decided to keep both blogs.  Some posts will be on one or the other.  Some posts will be on both.  Mostly, this blog will be about homeschooling because that is where the Lord has us. I will continue to post about our family, living on one income, and my faith.  However, I will also post about my faith and other issues on Unconventional Catherine.  I don't want to be redundant, but I feel at this time that two blogs best suit the differing aspects of my life and writing. 

Feel free to follow either blog.  My heart is here, at Home Mission Field, but my adventurous spirit wants to try new ways to branch out.

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