Sunday, May 14, 2017

Dear Daughters,

Dear Daughters,

We celebrated Mother's Day today.  Just having all my girls together is a blessing to me.  Each of you bears such unique qualities.  Each of you are strong and independent.  Each take my breath away with your intelligence and guts and beauty. 
 I am proud of my girls.  When tough times come, you rise up and push through.  And the tough times have often been very tough.  Maybe it is because of the tough times, we cherish the good times.  

We haven't had much in the way of material things.  We spent most of our lives as a large, blended, somewhat crazy family.  We didn't have a lot of "new."  New clothes were given on birthdays and Christmas.  New things were often only new to us.  We never got to take the vacations I wanted us to take.  We went out to eat as a family only a couple times a year. 
And yet, I am blessed.
As much as the struggle was difficult and sometimes painful, we have what money could never buy. 
And I want you each to know that I love you and I am proud of each of you.  It's not said enough. Each of you are so different in the gifts and talents God has given you.  Know that every gift is valuable.  In this world gifts are compared too often.  Some gifts seem to be more noticeable, but each gift was given for a purpose.  
Don't ever doubt that you have gifts.  Don't ever doubt that God has an amazing plan for you, even when circumstances make seeing that plan a challenge.  His plans for you aren't based on the circumstances you see.  When the world seems to be caving in, remember you are His, and He isn't panicked or surprised.  
I am often surprised by how fast time has gone by.  The days are slow but the years are fast.  I made plenty of mistakes, but I don't regret one second of being home with you for most of my mothering years.  It may have been a financial challenge, but it was worth it in so many ways. I could never get those years back, so I'm glad I got to have that time.  The time is coming fast when nearly all my girls will be grown and on their own. When I think back to the crazy years of all of you home, it seems like a roller coaster: sometimes all I could do was hold on.  
One day my home will be quiet. 

One day I'll have time to read without interruption.

One day my bathroom won't feel like it has a revolving door.

One day the back of my vehicle won't look like a hand grenade was tossed in at some point.

One day I'll travel more. 
But I will always look back and know that my life was full and rich, and I wouldn't trade those years for anything.  

I love you, my beautiful daughters!

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