Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Scarlet Thread - A Book Review

I have just finished my very first Francine Rivers novel!  

For years I have seen her books recommended.  However, I just never picked one up.  When I was researching new Christian authors to read, her books were recommended by many. So I picked up The Scarlet Thread. 

The Scarlet Thread is a story of two women.  We walk with Sierra Madrid through a period in her life in which she is struggling with her husband, a move, and extreme loneliness. At the same time we are reading through a journal given to Sierra about family member named Mary Kathryn that had traveled the Oregon trail.  Both women had a tough time and tough lessons as they struggled in their marriages and with God.

I think I understood Sierra quite a bit.  I've been in the position in which she was placed.  I've moved my family away from all I knew and loved to support my husband's dream.  I've watched a marriage fall apart and had to deal with adultery.  I understood the hurt and anger that Sierra dealt with in the novel.  And even though the endings were different, I also understood that my ending was different because it took me years longer to find faith in the Lord. No also understood that the Lord had a different plan for me. 

Sierra and Kathryn both had to learn the hard way the truth of Romans 8:28.  God does turn everything for good.  It isn't always easy.  In fact, it is hard to see the good in tragedy and loss and betrayal.  However, those things that I believe aren't redeemable, the Lord often uses in a mighty way. 

I immensely enjoyed this novel, and will head to the library for more Francine Rivers' novels.   I enjoy discovering Christian authors that have the ability to make me think and to touch my heart for the Lord. I also like that Francine Rivers placed Christians in the lives of the main characters that were mature in their walk with the Lord.  It seems as if many of the books I read that are Christian are full of baby Christians or new converts.  While this is not a bad thing, having been walking with Jesus for a decade, I want to read about people that have a walk with God already.  I want to see how they grow, not just how they are birthed into new life. I'm hoping other Francine Rivers novels will portray more of this. 

I recommend The Scarlet Thread.  Of the books I have read since delving into new authors and reading more and more, I have run into a few books I simply didn't like.  This one, however,  I thoroughly enjoyed.

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