Thursday, March 31, 2016

Soul Surfer - A Book Review

I had never read the book.  

I had seen the movie.

Oh, How much I missed!

The movie was awesome, and I greatly enjoyed watching this girl overcome the loss of her arm and inspire so many.  I found the book, Soul Surfer, a couple years ago at a resale shop.  I bought it, thinking it might be read by my daughter. However, no one touched it. 

Recently I read a blog post about favorite Christian books.  The author listed Soul Surfer as a top pick of hers.  She went on to say that while the movie is wonderful, the book was so much more!
How right she was!

The love of Christ shines through on every page!  I was overwhelmed by the attitude of this young girl, Bethany Hamilton, and her family!  She trusted the Lord, even though she was attacked by a shark! 

She learned how God can turn the hardest circumstances into something for His glory. I read the book, as a mom, and learned a lot from the young girl that wrote such encouraging words.

"What I do know is that I want to use what happened to me as an opportunity to tell people that God is worthy of out trust, and to show them that you can go on and do wonderful things in spite of terrible events that happen. I don't think it does any good to sit around feeling sorry for yourself. I made myself a promise I'm not going to wallow or walk around moaning, 'Woe is me!'"

The paragraph above is from the introduction.  THE INTRODUCTION!  The rest of the book is just as inspiring.  Bethany Hamilton is a breath of fresh air. She kept her faith even when her world crumbled around her. 

She reminds me of my step-daughter.  Despite years of enduring abuse, she came to us broken but with hope.  She loves the Lord.  She wants to give back.  She is beginning to share her testimony as a way to reach out to other abided girls.  She plans to spend several months in full-time mission work this fall and winter. She is bubbly and positive most of the time, even after everything!  She has shown me daily what Bethany Hamilton showed in Soul Surfer.  

A positive attitude and Jesus are powerful!

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