Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Our Thanksgiving Day

We had another whirlwind Thanksgiving as we tried to fit in two families and two dinners in one day. We started out at my mother in law's home.  On the table were some very delicious grapes.  Megan and her cousin loved them.  They dug in, stuffing their cheeks.

Seeing family is always a treat. Tasha loved cuddling her baby cousin.  In fact, she didn't want to give him up.

Ok, Laura and her sister Jasmine have always had a thing they do every year.  They take the black olives and put them on their fingers.  Then, they eat them off.  Strange... I know.

With so much food around, we sort of felt like gluttons.  Even after dinner, it was so easy to keep going back for more... just to snack on.  Luckily we only have this kind of holiday a couple times a year or we'd all weigh a few hundred pounds more than we should.

Megan looked so cute sitting on Grandma's bench that I had to take a picture.  She wasn't doing anything but sitting there.  For this child of constant movement, this was a treat.

At my mom's, Laura and her cousin Kaden quickly got together to play.  They don't see each other often, as Kaden lives two hours away.  However, they are so cute together.  They are three years apart, but it doesn't seem to bother them at play time.

Jasmine was laughing a lot over this Thanksgiving.  She seemed happy just to be with family, relaxed and having a good time.  Either that, or she was truly enjoying watching the holiday programming on TV.

Uncle Kyle loved picking on (and up) Megan.  He loves his nieces and, when he sees them, he loves being the kind of uncle that picks on them and makes things interesting.  They love him too, and are constantly trying to find ways to get him back.  They rarely succeed.

Don't ask why Megan is in the box.  She loves boxes.  I'm thinking we could save a lot of money for Christmas if we just get her some boxes to play in.

Kim and Grandma had a good time playing Yahtzee together.  I'm not sure who won.  I'm hoping that Kim is enjoying the time she has with her family before she goes of to college in the fall.

Finally, this is Tasha totally winning at Phase 10.  Lucky for her she wasn't playing poker, cause that face is a total give-away that she has a good hand.

All in all, it was a very successful Thanksgiving.  We had lots of family, food, and fun.  Perfect.  There are many things for which I am thankful, but time with my family is probably the top on my list.

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