Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Great Dinosaur Mystery and theBible

Grandma stopped by today during homeschool. She got to hear Laura and me reading about dinosaurs and what the bible says about them in the book The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible.

I've really enjoyed this book. In fact, I've been wanting to read this book for a couple years. Laura is kind of bored by it, I think. I guess dinosaurs aren't her thing. However, I think she'll remember a lot of the information inside the pages. She giggles every time I have to pronounce one of those dinosaur names that my tongue stumbles over. Plus, she's getting the concept that God created the dinosaurs and they have been here with man.

We are switching science programs soon and going to use the Heart of Dakota as supplementary. However, I really wanted to cover the dinosaurs before we are finished. They are pretty amazing. Plus, it's important to have a good concept of them when someone approaches with an evolution debate. Yes, there were dinosaurs. But we don't believe they lived millions of years ago.

Laura has read a couple other books about dinosaurs to go along with this book. I wanted her to know more details about dinosaurs, even though no one knows a lot of those for sure. I wanted her to get more introduced to their names. I didn't want her to think that Jurassic Park is reality. (She hasn't seen that movie yet, but she might one day.)

In general, I totally recommend this book for Christian Homeschoolers and just those that want to know more about how dinosaurs fit in with creation.

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