Saturday, October 3, 2009

Not A Project Person

It's late, and I should be getting ready for bed soon. Church comes early in the morning when you have a bunch of kids and teenage girls to get out the door. However, I was planning out my next couple weeks earlier today. I've reimplemented much of the Heart of Dakota planning. However, one thing keeps sticking with me. Every week there is a History project. Now, some of them are fun. But as I read through the upcoming projects, some sound kinda cool. Then there are a couple that I looked at and, while they seem easy enough, I dreaded them.

All evening this has bothered me. Now, I like some crafty things. I used to scrapbook. (Yes, I'm one of those 'I'll get back to it one day' kind of people.) But, to be honest, it's really not my thing. Laura enjoys some of it, but she mostly likes learning to draw cool things in the Draw and Write book.

Then I realized that it's okay that I don't do all the projects. I like some of them, and we'll do some that we find interesting. But the truth is that I would rather just read a lot of the time. Laura would rather I read to her. So I'm thinking of making Project time more read aloud time and picking other books to either supplement or just to add some more literature.

I know, what a bummer, right? But, to be honest, when I hear the words "Go read to your child", it brings an excitement to me that "Go build this project" just doesn't bring. Usually those words just make me want to groan. I guess I'm not as artistic as I thought.

OK, OK, now that I have that off my chest I think I can sign off and get ready for bed. Ironically, I have to make sure I have all the supplies I need for my paper craft I do with my children's Sunday School class. In my defense, that is different entirely. The crafts are usually punch out stuff.

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