Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Uncle John's School and my Grandma - a Pioneer in Homeschooling

One thing I've noticed with home schooling is that there are lots of interruptions that can take place. Tasha, my 16 year old, has been struggling with a sore throat for a few days. This morning, when it was no better, I decided it was time to get her in to the doctor to make sure it wasn't strep or anything serious. So, Laura didn't get much time in the books this morning before it was time to leave.
I took Laura and Megan to my grandmother's place. My uncle John was there. He himself was home schooled when he was young. So, I handed him a list of stuff for Laura to work on and her book bag with some of her books.
I haven't checked the work yet. I'm assuming all went well. She finished everything on the list. Of course, I didn't take nearly all of it, so Laura is working on some of it right now. She's not happy that her sisters are home from school and she hasn't finished everything. I told her not to complain because, even though she did work with Uncle John, she only did a few things. The majority of her work is still at home waiting. For the most part, she got to play video games. She even got ice cream. I don't think her day was challenging.
It is kind of neat that she got to spend some extra time with her great-grandmother. My grandmother home schooled my uncle for most of his education. He is now in his early forties. She remembers the days when the school used to send people to her house claiming that her son was truant because he wasn't in public school. She used Christian Liberty for everything. Ironically, she gave my uncle a very good education and she only had gotten an eighth grade education herself. After years of homeschooling, she went and got her GED.
She tells me that, when my uncle progressed to Algebra, she would stay up all night to learn how to do the work so she could teach it to him the next day. That always impressed me because I know there will come a time when I don't know how to teach what my child needs to learn. That is one of the reasons I don't home school my high school daughters. However, I may investigate homeschooling Tasha. She desperately wants to be home schooled. I told her I would need to research further and pray a lot before I would take her out of school.

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