Monday, June 1, 2009

Planning Summer

So, in making summer plans for my children, I realized that there are only so many things they should do. I see so many children that are just overscheduled. They are in everything. When do they get to just be kids?
This year my oldest two are making most of their own decisions for summer. They are both going to church camp. My oldest works. They are both involved in their youth group.
My younger children are the ones I am making the plans for. Megan, as a toddler, is limited. However, Laura and Jasmine have some activities they are in. Jasmine will be doing tutoring off and on throughout the summer. Both girls are involved with the library's reading program. Both girls will be in the local VBS. Wednesday morning will probably be movie day as a local theater has free children's movies playing. Laura will hopefully finish her 4-H. Other than that, I'm keeping things simple. I want to find time to teach Laura how to swim. Jasmine will be in softball through June.
I haven't made any major plans. I would like to just do stuff. From swimming to playing at the park, I just want to enjoy time with my family. We spend so much time rushing around. In a little over a year my oldest will leave for college. The next oldest will follow one year later. Basically, in two years, my family will change. My older ones will be leaving home. My step-daughter will be a teenager starting in October. I know that the way things are won't stay the same. Most of the time I welcome change, and I know that seasons of life come and go. However, I am hoping to thoroughly enjoy the sunset of this season. I hope to look at my older daughters as they graduate and move on into the lives God has for them, and I hope to feel the blessings God has given me and know that I didn't squander what he gave me.
So, this summer I plan to blog about our adventures, both fun and boring. This blog has kind of become a scrapbook for me in a way. I know, now that homeschooling has become such a large part of our lives, that I will continue to post about curriculum choices I make over the summer.
Brook Academy may sort of be on summer break, but learning and adventures never stop.

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