Sunday, January 11, 2009

Do I need another teacher?

Laura was acting up a bit today in Sunday School. She just had a bit of an attitude. I was frustrated with her. So, I talked with her father. I started thinking about the situation. I realized that maybe Laura needs another teacher somewhere along the way. I've thought this for awhile, but I haven't found a solution yet.
I teach Laura's Sunday School class. She has other teachers for Children's Church. However, I also homeschool her and she has me as her Mpact Girls leader on Wednesday evenings. I want to influence my daughter for Christ, but I think we've come to a point where it's a little too much. Next year she will move up to her father's class, but that won't be for several months.
I don't know if it is possible for me to switch to teaching a different class. There aren't a lot of teachers. I think I may see if I can switch things up with Mpact girls. Laura needs more influences than just me. I didn't plan to be Laura's teacher for all of these things. It just sort of happened this way. Hopefully I can create more of a balance somewhere.

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