Sunday, May 1, 2011

Trying to be a Good Steward

The first of the month sort of crept up on me.  I sat down today to figure my finances for the next few weeks.  I was kind of shocked at how much money I have spent in gas.  Oh, I knew it had gone up tremendously and is still rising.  I also know I've had to make a couple extra trips to the doctor for my children in the last couple weeks.  However, I wasn't prepared for the amount I actually spent to be more than double from my normal amount!  My grocery expense has gone up quite a bit too.

Finances in our home has always been tight.  We have a large family.  We live off a small income.  Yet, God has come through for us over and over.  I trust Him, even when I don't know how when He'll come through.  I have felt God leading me to live simply and be content with less.  It takes a lot of planning to save money sometimes, but I feel that being a good steward of God's money is VERY important. 

Everything we have is His.  Our home, our belongings, the income we receive, the job my husband has... all come from God and belong to God.  When I sit down to work my finances, and it doesn't seem like I will be able to do it all on paper.  Yet, somehow, when I put God first, we pay the bills.  I can't even describe how sometimes. 

I do know that with rising expenses I need to be even more careful of how I spend the resources God has given us.  So, after much prayer about our specific needs, I feel God has led me to some interesting thoughts.

First, shop sparingly.  Every time I go into a store I see things we "need".  Sometimes we actually do need the items.  Other times, I just want them.  Even with a list, I am tempted.  It's easier to have a thorough list and limit my shopping trips.  Not only does it save gas to go less, but it keeps all impulse buys down. 

Second, Shop alone.  I love my husband and children.  I have noticed that they cost me money.  Even if they don't convince me to stray from my list, they are always hungry or thirsty, wanting a drink or a snack.  Alone, I am much more likely to buy only what I need and nothing else. 

Third, give more.  Ah... the irony of God's economy is scary and thrilling.  Yes, when we have less money, we should give MORE!  This is new to me because I have always caved into fear in the past when things got rough.  However, God convicted me of this and convinced me that all I have is His and I should hold onto it loosely.  That doesn't mean being unwise.  It does mean listening to the Holy Spirit and trusting God... even when gas and food prices are soaring.  I prayed about what to do now.  God guided me to give more. 

Fourth, plan more effectively.  Planning meals, planning and combining errands, planning as much as possible.  This can be a drag, but I have found it saves a tremendous amount of money.  I don't live in a town with a grocery store.  I have to drive 20 minutes to get to one.  If I don't plan, then I spend a lot of money at a convenience store or in gas to drive to the store for this and that.  I haven't been planning very well lately, and that probably counts for some of the increase in my grocery costs.  Rising prices are a part of it, but my failure to plan effectively has not helped.

These are the first of many things I will do to keep our spending down and be a good steward of God's money.  He has totally blessed our family lately.  My husband has been able to temporarily get some overtime at work after months of it not being available.  I found a brand new, never opened bread machine at a yard sale yesterday for a third of the price it would have been in the store... just when my old one was dying! 

Finances for homeschooling families are often tight.  I am so grateful I have a wonderful God to guide me.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

I totally agree with your outlook toward money. It's important to be able to distinguish between "wants" and needs." After doing so, it's crazy to see how little we actually need. Have you heard of Dave Ramsey? He's a finance counseling radio host who loves and proclaims the Lord's name.

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