Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Our Box Day

We had our own "Box Day" when our materials and books arrived from Heart of Dakota!  Included we have the rest of Preparing Hearts for Laura to finish this year.  We also have Little Hands to Heaven for Megan to begin in a couple weeks.  Finally, we received Creation to Christ for Laura's next year curriculum.
It was a little like Christmas.  The girls and I were excited to open the HUGE box and see what was inside.
Laura immediately had to check out her books for next year.  She was ripping off the plastic that some of the books were wrapped in and flipping through each one.
Megan has been bugging to do school for awhile.  When I told her that she had her own books, she began hugging them.
The selection of materials is wonderful and top notch.  I have only had time to skim some of the books, but I am so excited to read through them.  There is no need for me to add anything else.  I may add typing and buy some readers and read alouds that we have an interest in, but I definitely don't have to supplement or look for anything else.  There is so much here that we will be quite busy next year!

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