Friday, February 26, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up 2-26-10

This week went very fast.  I almost feel out of the loop.  My step-daughter began coming over every morning at 5:30 in the morning due to her mom's job.  Laura would get up when her sister was here and begin her school work.  She was usually done by 9 or 10, leaving mom only to check the work, help with problem areas, and do read alouds.

Tasha did the same thing.  I find it ironic because the girls usually find sleeping in a benefit of homeschooling.

English - This week Laura began work on pronouns.  After fighting with verbs, she caught on to pronouns very easily.   She also began studying conclusions.

Word Building - Laura aced her spelling test this week.  All I can say is "Praise God."  Spelling has been up and down for us all year.  Now, she finally has a program where she is excelling.

Science - Laura finished up her study of plants this week.  She wasn't overly fond of this area of science.  I think she might be more into it if we could have gone outside and studied flowers, trees, and plants.  Unfortunately, outside is snow covered and there aren't many plants.  We'll hit this again next year.  For the next couple weeks she begins a health unit with the study of microorganisms, germs, the skin and hair.  She will keep a chart of hygiene habits for a couple weeks to supplement her studies.

Math - Laura has discovered, now that her skills are getting stronger, that she likes multiplication.  She was multiplying three digit numbers and telling me it was fun.  That is a big change from a few weeks ago.

Social Studies - Laura was sad to end this unit.  She studied George Mueller, which is one of her favorites.  She also studied England and did some map work.

Reading - Laura continued to read Charlotte's Web.  Her ACE pace coinciding with Charlotte's Web worked on finding the main idea, drawing conclusion,  and copywork.  Laura finished her book Cross My Heart.  We are reading Millie's Unsettled Season aloud.

I realized a couple things about ACE.  In every Creative Writing and Literature pace there is copywork.  The copywork is usually from the literature that is being read.  There is usually some art in each pace.  And then there is the look for the answers.  So many times critics complain that ACE is just regurgitating information.  I beg to differ.  Finding the answers in a book is a skill that public schools have a difficult time teaching.  My sixth grader still struggles with it sometimes.  There are a lot of questions that require opinions and thinking skills.  I don't understand the complaints.  Laura has to read for information, not just for fun.  She has to go back over what she read to find the information.  I've seen High Schoolers that tend to struggle with reading for information.  Laura is learning some basic research skills that will help her later on in her studies.

Character Building - This week Laura studied these character traits with her ACE: Being Thorough, Obeying God and Being Wise, Determination, Being Tactful, Being Persuasive, and to learn not to be afraid because God is with her.

Laura is doing much better than she was a few weeks ago.  She's become very independent in her work.  She's motivated to begin on her own.  She is devouring books.  On top of all her other reading, she is also reading Farmer Boy on her own.  I haven't included it in the list because sometimes she will begin a book, but then not finish it.  I don't mind.  I do that too.  Some books just don't catch my attention or I'll put it down and then pick it up later.  That is the same thing for Laura I believe.

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