Monday, February 15, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up 2-12-08

We didn't get as much done last week as usual.  It was a busy week, and we worked steadily, but we didn't make our usual progress. 

Math - Laura had some trouble last week.  She was making a lot of little errors that she ended up having to redo some of her work.  Not sure where her focus was, but it wasn't with her math.

Science - Laura is studying plants.  Last week she learned about fertilizer, plant food, and light.  She learned a simple rule for flower gardens (always plant the tall plants in the back and the short in the front.).  Laura learned about Botanical Gardens and conservatories.  Her studies continue this week.

Social Studies - Laura finished her studies of India and began a new pace.    She is excited about this pace because she gets to study a little about George Mueller.  We read a book about George Mueller earlier this year, and she LOVED it.  Laura will learn about George Mueller and England.

Word Building - Last week was hit and miss with our spelling.  Laura did well, but we didn't get in the practice I wanted.

English - Diagramming has begun!  Laura has been studying verbs.  Late last week she began to learn about diagramming with separating  of the subject noun and the verb.

Literature and Creative Writing - Laura finished The Red Rag Riddle.  We were going to begin Charlotte's Web, but decided to wait till the new week began. 

Bible - We've been doing various things for our Bible study.  Laura reads from her Bible Story Question and Answer book.  She also studies her Mpact Girls lesson.  She is working on an honor step for the End Time Events badge. 

Reading - Laura read the book Twenty and Ten.   We are still reading Little House on the Prairie.  It is taking us a long time, but we are making progress.  I'm not sure why we aren't plowing through it like I thought we would.  Things keep coming up and we miss our reading time.

Character Traits - Praise, Obey God and Be Wise, Efficiency, Determination, Being Discreet, Respectful, Being Creative, and Tact.

As crazy as last week was, I do think we accomplished quite a bit.  The first part of the week was snowy and we were housebound.  Thursday and Friday was clear.  We completely took Friday off and ran to get some errands finished out of town.

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